Tata Semiconductor Plant in Dholera | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Dholera Smart City is quickly becoming India’s center for new technology and industry. One of the most important things happening in the area is the new Tata Semiconductor Plant. This plant is a big step forward for India because it will make the country less dependent on other countries for semiconductors. At Mirrikh Infratech, we are happy to offer great real estate options that go along with this big change.Dholera Smart City is quickly becoming India’s center for new technology and industry. One of the most important things happening in the area is the new Tata Semiconductor Plant. This plant is a big step forward for India because it will make the country less dependent on other countries for semiconductors. At Mirrikh Infratech, we are happy to offer great real estate options that go along with this big change.


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